
Home Ground – The Open Society Foundations

20/01/2019 | Zönotéka, Berlin Discussion with Csaba Csontos and Áron Suba (works in the Open Society Foundations), After the worsened political environment in Hungary, the OSF ( has moved to Berlin, thus our discussion focussed the organization new environment, its plans, and activities. The OSF primarily supports activities to create a democratic, transparent, free society and […]


Tüntetés – Orbáns Sklavengesetz stoppen!

2018.12.21. | Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag e.V. (DIHK), Berlin A tüntetés előtt röviddel Magyarországon megszavazott, úgynevezett rabszolgatörvény ellen tiltakoztunk, amely lehetővé teszi akár évi 400 óra túlóra kiszabását is. Azt vártuk a Magyarországon működő német vállalatoktól, különösen tekintettel az autógyártókra, hogy  tegyék nyilvánvalóvá mi fontosabb nekik: az üzletelés az Orbán-rezsimmel vagy az európai értékek és […]


Christmas fundraising action and party –Verschenke Hoffnung statt Konsum!

16/12/2018 | Badehaus Berlin The German civic association s second events was to collect donations for the Street lawyers (Hungarian ciciv association). In the previous year we decided that instead of buying (often expensive) presents for donation, we collect money and offering the most needed ones. First we were able to collect 500 Euros, and donated […]


Home Ground – The rule of law, democracy and the civil defenders of law in Hungary

2018.11.22. | Zönotéka, Berlin As the Homey Field s first meeting, we organized a discussion with Balázs Dénes. He is the founder director of the Civil Liberties Union for Europe ( . Ha hes been working for twenty years as a human rights expert. Previously the was a member of the Association of Freedom Rights […]


Protest to express our solidarity to the protesters in Budapest

14/04/2018 | Botschaft von Ungarn in Berlin We demonstrated to express our solidarity with the students, who pretested in Budapest “We are the majority!” and the Protest for the democracy”.  The demands were as follow: “Count again the votes!” Free press, neutral media instead of encouraging hate Fair election! We demand new election law! The opponent […]


I vote here! Brunch in Frankfurt

18/03/2018 | Die Brücke, Frankfurt This event was a part of our campaign, to prepare the Hungarians (residing in Germany). We informed the interested people about the forthcoming election, about our organization, the FUB and offering relevant information on our activities. The aim was to help every Hungarian who has Hungarian address how to vote, […]


I vote here! Brunch in München

25/02/2018 | Wirtshaus Rechthaler Hof, Berlin This event was a part of our campaign, to prepare the Hungarians (residing in Germany). We informad the interested people about the forthcoming election, about our organization, the FUB and offering relevant information on our activities. The aim was to help every Hungarian who has Hungarian address how to vote, […]


Karácsonyi adománygyűjtés – Christmas Fundraising Action and Party

2017.12.16. | Kék Ló, Berlin A Freie Ungarische Botschaft Karácsonyi bulija – adománygyűjtő akció A Város Mindenkié javára. A karácsony közeledtével fontosnak tartjuk, hogy két ajándékbeszerző roham között azok is eszünkbe jussanak, akik a karácsony estét is az utcán töltik, miközben mi a meleg szobában esszük a bejglit. Ezért adománygyűjtő akcióba kezdtünk A Város Mindenkié javára. […]


Protest – Refugees, depending on Russia, Zoltán Balog’s reception

23/10/2017 | Komödie am Kurfürstendamm im Schiller Theater, Berlin Zoltán Balog gave a public speech to commemorate and celebrate the Hungarian revolution in 1956. We waited for him and asked some uncomfortable questions: What kind of heritage the current Hungarian government celebrate who has strong connection with Vladimir Putin? In 1956, after our revolution failed, two hundred- […]


Workshop – Political Activism in Emigration

02/09/2017 | Zönotéka, Berlin There was vivid and surprisingly great interest in our introductory event. Then we organized a workshop which addressed the following questions: What are the opportunities to influence the home-country polities? How we attract attention to our goals in Germany, especially the interests of decision-makers and the public in order to support our […]