
Final Countdown – EU quiz and regostration for the EP election

16/05/2019 | Szimpla, Berlin

Just before the deadline of the resitration (19th of May) we helped again the Hungarians living in Germany to be registered in order to be able to vote for Hungarian candidates to the EP.

The visitors had been welcomed and presented to them a quiz. That night s song was Europe-Final Countdown. After the succesful registration we were talking about motivating people to vote.

Andras Körtvélyesi delivered the music.

Earlier (in May) we had invited Dr. Czegléd in order to analyze the results and outcomes of the EP election. Dr. Czeglédy is a publicist, political analyst and the guest-lecturer in Dumaszínház (Discussion Theater). His interests cover political campaigns, political communications, and how the public sphere is changing. His articles are published in HVG, and the 168Óra. His lecture entitled as Campaign-Porn, is currently shown n the Discussion-Theatre.

On that night while we were drinking various Hungarian wines (thanks to the BorStore offers) we have discussed how to improve the political environment in Hungary.