
Hoffnung statt Konsum 2021

With our fifth christmas fundraising campaign, we are once again supporting the work of a Hungarian NGO. This way, we would also like to express our solidarity with the civil society in Hungary, which has been targeted by the government in the past years. This year again, we have chosen an organisation that we consider […]



It has always been an essential part of our strategy to inform the German society adequately with an unbiased take on the current political events and issues in Hungary. The serial, FUB OmU (“Original mit Untertiteln: original with subtitle”), is one project of the working group “Rule of Law and Political Matters in Hungary”. The […]


Activist Conference

The Working Title Activist Conference is a project of the FUB whose aim is to bring together activists and active citizens. To offer them practical support in projects, to form a network of diaspora activists – for the time being mainly in Berlin – to participate in and develop a platform for exchange and mutual […]


“I Vote Here” – 2018 Hungarian parliamentary election

In general, a country’s democratic quality can be largely improved by informing the citizens about their basic rights and motivating them to practice them. On the first workshop of the Freie Ungarische Botschaft the idea of the election mobility campaign came up, as this can catalise the conscious reformulation of politics. The target group of […]


Helden gesucht

The news have reached us in February, that at the infamous estate in the Hős street, the Kontúr society’s apartment’s contract was quitted by the council. This step was a part of the conscious reorganization of the estate. The Kontúr is an organisation, that provides regular programs to the children living in impoverished environments and […]


“Hoffnung statt Konsum” project

Preparing for the Christmas of 2017 we have decided, that instead of the pointless Christmas spending spree, we will give the money to those who need it the most. On the first event of the series we managed to collect 500 Euros for the “City Belongs to Everyone” group, that helps homeless individuals and those […]


“I vote here” – 2019 European Parliament election

Before the 2019 EP elections it seemed, that the populist right wing might regain its power in Europe, and, figuratively speaking, could even win the election. Therefore, after our parliamentary mobilisation campaign we have decided not to remain passive regarding the EP elections.We have faced many challenges, like the travelling, and we have also encountered […]


2019 Hungarian local elections

According to Hungarian laws it is only possible to vote in local elections in Hungary. However, we didn’t want to sit in silence, and besides our digital attention-raising campaign we have organised a local election-themed quiz for Hungarians with the help of the Berlin quiz-master, hoping, that by this we would encourage them to vote. […]


Political Activism in Emigration

The first project of the Freie Ungarische Botschaft has examined the question by the means of a panel discussion and a following workshop of how we can influence the politics of our homeland from abroad, and how we can contribute to its democratic function. The project peaked in an idea born during the workshop, the […]


Home Ground

In the ‘Home Ground’ series of events we talked with experts about the current questions of the Hungarian political situation. Besides this, the event created an opportunity for Hungarians living in Berlin who are interested in the work of the Freie Ungarische Botschaft to have a look at what we do, to get to know […]