According to Hungarian laws it is only possible to vote in local elections in Hungary. However, we didn’t want to sit in silence, and besides our digital attention-raising campaign we have organised a local election-themed quiz for Hungarians with the help of the Berlin quiz-master, hoping, that by this we would encourage them to vote. Luckily, the “I Vote Here” became the trademark of conscious voting among Hungarians in Berlin thanks to our first two actions. Many came to us for advice, and maybe thanks to us, many travelled to Hungary to vote. On the day of the election, we organised the result-party in the legendary Szimpla on one of its last days. It was a full house. Luckily, it was not only us who catered for the good mood, but the success of the opposition too.
After the elections, we talked to the political analyst Zoltán Ceglédi during the ‘Home Court’ project, in a not less euphoric mood.
A választás napjára az akkor már végnapjait élő legendás Szimplába szerveztünk eredményváró bulit. Telt ház volt. A jó hangulatról szerencsére nem csak mi, de az ellenzéki sikerek is gondoskodtak.
A választások után Ceglédi Zoltán elemzővel beszélgettünk a Hazai Pálya keretein belül, nem sokkal kevésbé eufórikus hangulatban.