
“I vote here” – 2019 European Parliament election

Before the 2019 EP elections it seemed, that the populist right wing might regain its power in Europe, and, figuratively speaking, could even win the election. Therefore, after our parliamentary mobilisation campaign we have decided not to remain passive regarding the EP elections.We have faced many challenges, like the travelling, and we have also encountered new ones. Our goal was that people who have the possibility and opportunity to vote for a Hungarian list register and vote at one of the embassies. Since we have operated with a smaller budget and team compared to the previous ones, we were trying to strengthen the newly formed relationships with independent organisations like us, and to reach Hungarians living in other German cities with their support. The message was easy: “Vote for European values on the Hungarian list!” We were arguing, that in the Hungarian election, one vote simply means more. Besides this, having learnt from the previous campaigns, next to the mobilisation we composed factual guides to which values we support with our campaign.

The results were 100 registered voters in Berlin and  many new partner-relationships and volunteers.