
“I Vote Here” – 2018 Hungarian parliamentary election

In general, a country’s democratic quality can be largely improved by informing the citizens about their basic rights and motivating them to practice them. On the first workshop of the Freie Ungarische Botschaft the idea of the election mobility campaign came up, as this can catalise the conscious reformulation of politics. The target group of the “I Vote Here” campaign were the citizens living in Germany who have a right to vote in Hungary. They have to conquer many barriers to vote: because of the few election points, many have to travel long distances, or get lost in the maze of the registration process. Besides this, they have to struggle with the general apathy of the voting circle because of the hopelessness of the political scene. During the project we have created an extensive survey, and by the results of this, we put the emphasis on digital and personal information and mobilisation.

The results of the campaign are hard to measure, but we think we think that in our narrow environment in Berlin, we managed to enlarge the number of voters, while we extended and strengthened our basis. Many joined as followers to one of our digital channels, but some have also joined our organisation because of the “I Vote Here” project.

A kampány eredményei nehezen mérhetőek, de úgy gondojuk,  Berlinben sikerült a szavazók számát növelnünk, miközben bázisunkat is bővítettük és erősítettük. Sokan csatlakoztak követőként valamelyik digitális csatornánkhoz, de akadt olyan is, aki pont az Itt Szavazok projekt miatt csatlakozott a szervezetünkhöz.